TLC for Kids is Australia's fastest and most inclusive provider of immediate distractions and urgent relief for children and families coping with the challenges of everyday life with illness.

Rushing a sick child to hospital and enduring long-stay admissions can be a stressful, world-shattering event. TLC for Kids are dedicated to giving practical and emotional support to sick kids and their families across Australia during these emotional times. Their services are unique in that they deliver swiftly and without the need to undergo lengthy processes, evaluations, interviews or waiting times.
TLC for Kids have been a pro bono partner of Progressive PR & Communications since 2012, generating national media coverage across a number of annual fundraising initiatives, including Tracky Dack Day and the Bakers Delight Bundraiser, as well as more bespoke specialised stories surrounding sick children and the wonderful TLC services provided to them and their families.
In 2015, Progressive PR & Communications provided support for charity ball, The Dinner at The Carousel in Melbourne, including raffle and auction prizes, guest list development and management and a PR campaign around the event. Currently, Progressive PR & Communications are assisting with PR for the 2019 Daylesford Polo.