PPR&C was tasked to deliver a PR campaign around Australia for Thea Calzoni and the release of her memoir Dancing with the Maternal Bond.
Thea Calzoni is the parent and carer of Julian, her 34-year-old son who is a happy young man with an intellectual disability.
In telling her journey from mothering an infant child, to becoming a full-time carer with the needs of another outweighing her own, Dancing with the Maternal Bond captures both the challenges and brilliances of every experience in-between.
PPR&C proposed a campaign that would put Thea’s memoir front and centre of lifestyle media across Australia.
With book launches a dime a dozen, PPR&C used this unique and compelling personal story to inspire and tug at the heartstrings of media and their readers alike.
The book was strategically launched during National Carers Week to take advantage of media’s focus on stories like Thea’s at this moment in time.
The campaign which commenced Tuesday 29 July, 2021 finished Saturday 16 October, 2021, at the end of National Carers Week, reached an audience of over 1,743,320 and had an advertising space rate of over $824,290 AUD.
Highlights included an extract in Sunday Life magazine, Channel 9 - Today Extra, ABC Radio National Sunday Extra, New Idea magazine, ABC Radio national weekend evenings program and multiple other radio interviews.