We were briefed by The Perfect Events Group on behalf of its client Legacy Australian to create a PR Campaign to promote the charity’s 100-year celebration – The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay. The event saw 60 relays take place across 45 Legacy Clubs featuring 1300 torch bearers made up of those with a connection to the Australian Defence Force.
We developed a series of mini campaigns to highlight each of the relays utilizing torch bearers and their stories as spokespeople for the campaign. Prior to each relay we secured media coverage across each of the locations through targeted print stories of why people were involved. As the relay approached, we were able to generate interest through radio interviews with club presidents and we were able to get local TV news for almost every relay.
The campaign ran for six months with a potential reach of 39 million and an advertising space rate of $5.81 million. Almost 2000 clips were secured of which 295 were TV mentions including two dedicated shows on A Current Affair, Channel 9 weather crosses, a live cross on the Today Show for Canberra and Melbourne relays as well as evening news segments across major news programs.
We also secured print stories in the Herald Sun, Sunday Age and Canberra Times as well as numerous clips across regional publications.