The World Series of Fitness Racing HYROX Arrives Down Under

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - The world's fastest growing indoor fitness competition, HYROX, is ready to hit Australian shores with its signature spectacle of endurance, fitness, and human achievement.

After phenomenal success in Europe and North America, this exhilarating event arrives in Sydney on Saturday, 12 August, followed by a second event in Melbourne on Saturday, 26 August.

HYROX is more than a race; it's the fitness competition for everybody that combines endurance and functional workouts and celebrates the basics of human movement; running, pushing, pulling, jumping and throwing.

The standardised format comprises 1km running segments interspersed with 8 functional workout stations - including SkiErg, Sled Push and Pull, Burpee Broad Jumps, Rowing, Farmers Carry, Sandbag Lunges, and Wall Balls.

Each participant is equipped with a timing chip, capturing huge amounts of performance metrics and creating comparative global ranking across all events, divisions, and age groups.

"We are super excited to bring HYROX Down Under," said Mat Lock, HYROX Country Manager for Australia and New Zealand. "It's no secret that Aussies share a passion for fitness and HYROX provides the perfect platform for everyday athletes to train and test themselves alongside their mates."

Since registrations opened in April this year, the response has been overwhelming, with over 5,500 everyday athletes jumping aboard and Melbourne's event about to sell out with less than 100 tickets remaining. Coupled with over 3,000 spectators, these events promise to provide an amazing sports festival-like atmosphere.

HYROX is designed to be accessible for everyone from fitness enthusiasts to elite competitors. Whether participating as a solo entrant, teaming up for the Doubles division with a mate, or taking part in a Relay as a team of four, HYROX has something for everyone.

As HYROX charges onto Australian shores, it promises an unforgettable experience for participants and spectators alike. This is not just a fitness event – it's a celebration of human strength, determination, and community.